About My Site
Hi there. Welcome to my newest home on the web.
Who am I?
I am Kara Monroe. I go by a couple of monikers online - I Wanna Be Me When I Grow Up as well as kicki22. I earn a living as a consultant focusing on innovation, higher and non traditional education, and educational technology. You can learn more about my company, Monarch Strategies LLC, here. I write on Medium, Hive, and publish a weekly newsletter. I create videos on two different YouTube Channels - I Wanna Be Me When I Grow Up and Knowledge Work Nexus .
What will you find on this site?
In short, I create content about all the things above and other stuff that is interesting to me. If you're interested in my work, I encourage you to bookmark this page because I plan to keep it updated with what's happening in my life. I also maintain a monthly update page which includes links to a little more detailed summary of what's going on month by month.
My statements and policies